The Rubber Bunch Munch Edition
The RUBBERBUNCH munch is an accessible event for rubber lovers of all ages, nationalities, genders, and experience levels.
It's an evening where you can dress up, meet like-minded people, ask questions, socialize and, or try things out. There is room for questions and conversation. Feel free to bring your outfits and toys.
Club Eagle, is a monumental building that dates from 1485, located in the center of Amsterdam. The club has an extraordinary and mysterious atmosphere.
Upon entering you will receive a card with which you can order your drinks (minimum bar spending is two drinks). You can pay for your drinks afterward.
Admission can be paid in cash or by telephone with a QR code.
At the event cell phones and cameras are not allowed.
The entrance fee (13 Euro) can be paid at the door and will include a wardrobe and snacks.
Friday April 4th 18:00 - 22:30 Warmoestraat 90
The evenings are intended for everyone who loves rubber (a lot), but especially for those who have not (yet) been able to find their way or perhaps struggle with a 'coming out', seek information and clarity or when you are looking for like-minded people.
The evenings are also suitable for partners of rubber enthusiasts.
There is plenty of opportunity to socialize and you can have a drink at the bar wearing your rubber outfit if you wish!
There is no dress code at the munch, but you are certainly welcome in your (rubber) fetish outfit, wear what YOU like.
You can also decide on the spot and change at the club.
The music is not too loud on the munch.